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You’ll Be Surprised Once You Find Out What This Lioness Did When It Found A Baby Deer
November 17, 2021

You’ll Be Surprised Once You Find Out What This Lioness Did When It Found A Baby Deer

Looking For Food

Looking For Food

A lioness’ primary responsibility in the pride is to hunt and care for her cubs. However, the animal kingdom can be surprising at times. One photographer saw a lioness approaching a small calf, similar to how photographers come across species forming special bonds. When a lioness went out hunting and came across a small deer, a photographer was able to capture some strange moments on film… We all know lions can and will hunt deer when the opportunity arises, but the lioness had something else on her mind this time

The Perfect Prey

The Perfect Prey

You would personally believe that a lioness, as well as a baby deer, would be a dangerous combination, and you would be correct. Because not only is she one of the most powerful predators on the planet, but she also preys on defenseless deer calves, who are no match for her ferocious jaws. What happens when these two individuals come into contact, on the other hand, is certain to take you by surprise.

You Don't Wanna Mess With It

You Don’t Wanna Mess With It

What ends up making lionesses greater hunters than lions is still a mystery. Despite their smaller size, they are nearly 30 percent faster than their male counterparts, making them a formidable predator in their own right. Yet the lioness in our story wasn’t sure what she was going to do with the small deer she had come across.

Something Strange Happened

Something Strange Happened

The fact that this little deer was discovered by a lioness would lead one to believe that it would have ended up as chopped venison. The lioness, on the other hand, simply kept this little one between her paws. Because of the lion’s savage reputation, it was a strange encounter, and one has to wonder if the lion’s good nature will last for the long haul. This calf’s journey was a twisted and perplexing experience!

Is It Just Waiting For The Right Time?

Is It just Waiting For The Right Time?

It’s reasonable to assume the lioness has experience with cubs and that her maternal instincts kicked in. Despite the fact that an infant deer would be easy prey for such a powerful predator, she chose to take care of it. Another plus is that it survived because other predators would have certainly taken advantage of the situation. And it’s at that point that the photographer witnesses something that leaves him completely stunned.


Preppin' Up The Snack

Preppin’ Up The Snack

A number of documentaries and wildlife photographers have spoken about lionesses who have been observed caring for cubs of various species, and this is nothing new. We’ve heard reports of lionesses caring for leopard cubs and even puppies in animal sanctuaries. Is this one tending to the deer, or is she just getting ready for a snack?


Is She Protecting It Or Is It A Potential Dinner?

Is She Protecting It Or Is It A Potential Dinner?

The lioness chooses to treat the baby deer as if it were her own and takes great care of it. What happened to the deer’s mother is something that has to be wondered about. Is it possible that another lion was responsible for her death? Fortunately, this lioness has made the decision to be compassionate. The photographer hoped that this wasn’t some cruel joke and that her kindness wasn’t really meal preparation on his behalf. What happens next will leave you with a warm feeling in your heart!


Cleaning It Up

Cleaning It Up

As soon as the lioness sees the deer, she begins to groom it. The deer does not appear to be bothered by it in the least. In fact, he appears to be enjoying himself. We’re sure the experience of being lost and alone in the wilderness was difficult for the little fellow. Do you think she genuinely cared for him as her own cub or as her victim, or something else entirely? What is going to happen to him?

It's Almost Done

It’s Almost Done

The’mother’ hasn’t finished cleaning up after her new baby yet. It appears that the calf has already fallen asleep as she continues to lick his confused face and neck. We have to admit that taking such a rough bath can be exhausting for a young deer. But then, as the lioness opens her mouth wider, the photographer exclaims, “Wow!” We can’t stand the sight of it any longer!


Fangs Our Out

Fangs Our Out

Once the teeth are knocked out, the deer begins to become agitated. Despite the fact that the lioness is doing her best to be gentle, we can’t blame the little one for wanting to avoid being bitten by those fangs. They are capable of causing significant damage with a single bite. However, we did not anticipate that this little boy would actually attempt to flee from his new mother!

It's Wide Open

It’s Wide Open

When examining the deer, it appears to be only a few days old, according to the experts. Sadly, the poor creature was most likely separated from its mother by another predator while she was out searching for prey. Fortunately, this lioness has chosen to show it some mercy, otherwise it would have most likely suffered the same fate as the other animals. When she opens her mouth wide, the calf begins to bleat in response!

Changing Her Mind

Changing Her Mind

Sad to say, the tide appears to be changing quickly, and the lioness decides to open her mouth wider in order to accommodate the change. Did she come to the conclusion that the deer would be a better meal than a companion? It appears as though the little fella’s time on this planet is limited.


The Poor Thing Screamed

The Poor Thing Screamed

As the lioness’s fangs begin to dig deep into the deer’s small body, it screams out in terror. What caused the lioness to reconsider her decision? Is it possible that the deer simply smelled too good to pass up? He had half expected this moment, but it was just regular wildlife drama, and he knew he needed to keep his distance and wait for whatever happened next…

Going For A Walk

Going For A Walk

Fortunately, the lioness was not thinking about dinner at the time. She was only attempting to pick up the deer in the same manner as she would her cubs. It appears that she intends to bring the little guy along with her. The deer, on the other hand, appears to be a little taken aback by this sudden turn of events.

Strolling Around

Strolling Around

In an attempt to wiggle its way out of her mouth as the lioness continues her journey across the plains, the baby deer tries to escape. Unfortunately, she has a strong hold on him, and he eventually gives up trying to resist her. Sorry, little buddy, but you have no choice but to embark on this journey whether you want to or not.

Uncomfortable Trip

Uncomfortable Trip

Unfortunately, it appears that this will not be the most comfortable journey. When we see the little deer being dragged around by the lioness, we can’t imagine how much pain he is going through. She, on the other hand, acts as if this is just another ordinary day in the wilderness.

Can't Escape

Can’t Escape

But besides the cries of the baby deer, the lioness keeps going on her journey. He is too young to have established the escaping reflex, but he has a strong sense that something is not quite right! What could she possibly be doing? Her kindness, we hope, isn’t just a cruel game, and that she’s actually bringing the little one to her pack as a snack instead.

Resting For A Bit

Resting For A Bit

The lioness makes a sudden and unexpected change of pace by dropping the deer and staring it down. When I look back, the deer appears to be too scared to move, but it has stopped bleating. What starts to happen next, on the other hand, may take you by surprise.

Published on 08/26/2021
He Ran For His Life

He Ran For His Life

The baby deer made a dash for it… or at the very least tries to learn how to walk correctly. Perhaps he’s also on the lookout for some food. The little guy should have more respect after all of the assistance provided by the lioness, wouldn’t you think? Unfortunately, he has a sneaking suspicion that danger is on the horizon…

You're Not Going Anywhere

You’re Not Going Anywhere

The lioness appears to be amused by the deer’s futile attempt to flee and simply picks him back up in her mouth. He has no intention of leaving. After a few minutes, the photographer noticed that the lioness had begun her journey once more. We sincerely hope that it does not have a disappointing conclusion.

They Continued Strolling

They Continued Strolling

The lioness appears to be quite satisfied with the deer she has in her maw. Is it possible that she has changed her mind and believes it is better to prepare a snack for this little fella? They’ve already had a wonderful experience that has brought them closer together…

Trying To Escape Once Again

Trying To Escape Once Again

The deer has been through enough for yet another time! Eventually, it manages to wiggle free of the lionesse’s jaws and attempt to flee. Wouldn’t you think this little one would have learned by now that he is no match for years of predatory instinct? However, you can’t fault him for putting forth an effort. It only takes a couple of steps for the lioness to have him back in her mouth.

What's The Real Motive?

What’s The Real Motive?

The deer cries out once more, unsure of what is going to happen to it. To be completely honest, we are a little nervous as well. What kind of game is the lioness engaged in? Is she attempting to protect the deer, or is she simply prepping her meal in preparation for the kill? We sincerely hope that it is not the case.

The Baby Deer's Fate

The Baby Deer’s Fate

It’s not clear what will happen to the baby deer, which is unfortunate. There is no way to know whether or not the lioness was carrying the child to safety or to his ultimate demise as she continues to walk away with him in her mouth. All we can say is to ask for your prayers for the little one, as he is going to require every bit of assistance he can get! In the meantime, if you’re looking for a happy ending, here’s another mother lion taking care of a deer!

A Tiny Antelope

A Tiny Antelope

This mother lion was completely perplexed by the appearance of the tiny antelope, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Photographer Gordon Donovan, based in New York, was present throughout the entire event: “It was a bizarre yet stunning sight to behold.  I was excited about the lions, and when she captured the springbok I was waiting for the kill.”

Published on 08/26/2021
Protecting The Baby

Protecting The Baby

As soon as he saw the lioness take the baby into her paws, he took charge of the calf, even protecting it against other pregnant lionesses who were tempted to snack on him. What was the reason for this lioness’s protection of the baby?

She Lost Her Own

She Lost Her Own

Following an invasion of their territory and the death of her cubs, this lioness recently lost her cubs to a male from a rival pride. She was grieving over their death and adopted this little calf, who was now serving as a replacement for her loss…

It Wan't What We Imagined

It Wan’t What We Imagined

It is understandable if you were under the impression that this lioness was getting ready to eat the small antelope. Even Donovan was bracing himself for the dreadful moment: “But it never came and started cleaning the calf. That’s the mysterious way of nature, never knowing what will happen next.”


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